Connie Toilet Training Washable Pad (small)


The Conni Critters Pet Pads will soak up spills under food and water bowls and litter trays, protect the back of your car after a day at the beach and provide much needed absorbency in the transport crate during air transport.

Brilliant for toilet training puppies, under new litters and old incontinent 'friends' the Conni Critters Pet Pad is absorbent on top and completely waterproof underneath, used in vetinary clinics around Australia.

Versatile- A size to suit every application
Shielding for car seats and cargo areas in vehicles
Under food and water bowls
Protecting carpet and furniture
Under litter trays
Toilet training puppies
Whelping/pre and post natal
Transport crate liners
Incontinent animals
Vetinary procedures
Vetinary cage liners

Technically advanced highly absorbent, and super-slim design, Conni Critters Pet Pads are easy to wash and dry. Machine wash and tumble dry countless times, they are cost effective, environmentally sound and very practical.

"I use these pads for my 4 Chihuahua's who live in an apartment. I love being able to put them down for a few days, then throw them in the washing machine. I have been using the same ones for 4 years and they look as good now as they did when I first got them. Added bonus that excited puppies can't rip them up like the disposable ones!" - Lisa Hilleard

Small is 70cm x 55cm

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  • Model: connie

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